Pacs Dicom Viewer

4.3 ( 983 ratings )
Dienstprogramme Medizin
Entwickler Logicpond Inc

PACS DICOM Viewer app is a free, vendor-neutral PACS browser and DICOM viewer.
This app can browse any standard PACS servers for medical images, download and view them. Supports DICOM data from imaging modalities like PET, MRI, CT etc. It provides fast and interactive image manipulations such as zoom, pan, contrast and window level adjustments using iOS touch screen interactions.
It is designed to work seamlessly with standard PACS and DICOM compatible servers. It can also be used used to view DICOM files from a CD or a URL or as iTunes shared files or folders.

Key Features:
- Browse any PACS server that support C-MOVE, C-GET or WADO (Web Access to DICOM Persistent Objects)
- Advanced Search for studies by date and modalities
- Add and adjust image processing filters like brightness, sharpness, edge detection
- Supports 3D MPR Viewer
- View single or a sequence of DICOM images
- Playback DICOM image sequences using an interactive slider
- Zoom, Pan and Window Level adjustments
- Add multiple PACS server configurations
- iTunes File & Folder Sharing Support
- Open DICOM data from URLs, including a WADO URL
- Sync and Open DICOM data from CDs or DICOMDIR folders using iTunes file sharing
- Export studies to PACS servers or other devices using C-STORE SCU
- Import studies from other PACS servers or other devices using C-STORE SCP

This PACS DICOM Viewer may have issues connecting to non-standard or proprietary PACS servers that do not support C-GET, C-MOVE or WADO protocol. This PACS DICOM Viewer does not support DICOM JPEG 2000 (compression / decompression).

This PACS DICOM Viewer app is not intended for clinical or diagnostic use. Any use of this viewer for diagnosis or in a clinical setting is strongly discouraged and should avoided. This app is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. In no event shall Logicpond Inc be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever resulting from the use of this app, data or technical information accessed and viewed with this app, whether or not advised of the possibility of damage, under any theory of liability, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this app.